Jefferson Township Future Land Use Strategic Planning
MVRPC completed the Jefferson Township Future Land Use Strategic Planning project in October 2015. This project was a year-long, joint effort between Township staff and MVRPC staff, designed to bring residents, businesses, and community leaders together in a dialogue to set the Township’s future direction and actions steps.
The major outcomes from this project were: community goals, future land use vision, and implementation strategies.
This collaborative project was the recipient of the “2017 Outstanding Small Town Comprehensive Plan” Award from the American Planning Association (APA) Small Town and Rural Planning (STaR) Division.
The Jefferson Township Future Land Use Strategic Plan report presents the outcomes from this project. This report is available to download below.
- Main Report (no appendices)
- Appendices (no report)
The purpose of Jefferson Township Future Land Use Strategic Planning project was to develop a place-based Future Land Use Vision and Strategic Action Steps that reflect Jefferson Township’s community values, goals, and priorities. The outcome of this planning process is to provide a common ground for residents and business owners in Jefferson Township in pursuing future economic and business opportunities and fostering community actions.
Under the direction of a 27-member Community Leadership Team, this project employed a community-driven collaborative planning process centered around a “Explore-Decide-Pledge” theme. This theme was applied for every major step of the planning process, including Goals and Priority Setting, Place-Making workshops for developing Future Land Use Vision, and Implementation Strategies Development phases.
Extensive community dialogue sessions were held during the project, including five Community Leadership Team meetings, four community-wide workshops and mail survey, and a project open house.

OUTCOMES: Goals, Future Land Use Vision, and Implementation strategies
Together, local residents, business owners, and community leaders explored Township’s current condition and future options, decided on the future priorities and the best course of action, and pledged their commitment to advance their community and enhance their quality of life.
Three major outcomes from this project include: 1) four community goals; 2) a future land use vision - a place-based strategic framework illustrating the location and types of development opportunity within the Township; and 3) a list of implementation strategies for each of the four community goals.
MOVING FORWARD: ImPLementation Task forces
Four Implementation Task Forces, one for each Goal, were established at the conclusion of this project to shift the focus into the implementation phase and execute the plan.
The Community Leadership Team will become an Oversight Committee and will be overseeing and coordinating the implementation efforts.
Each Task Force will be charged with determining action items for respective implementation strategies outlined for each goal and carrying out projects, programs, and/or policy development.